Gary L. Simmons  rev 08/06/04

The Battle Cat's Litterbox

Sh*t happens

The Poo Is Out There

In "Ox Snard", level 5 of "The Battle Cat's World Tour NetPak" there is a huge pile of dung in the corner by the flight of steps on the left side of the arena. Men seem to die in this exact spot over and over and over sometimes flying clear across the arena like a migrating bird (or a hungry fly) to land face down with a splut in the fetid heap of steaming crap. What force is it that beacons men to this exact location of the map when they die? This is a death most foul, an end as ignominious as it is stinky, a "doo doo doom" if you will. This is a dumping ground of men's souls, a flushing away of a man's pride, a purging of the life force into the bowels of Hell. What magnetic attraction is it that guides the offal's arc into this greasy heaping of crusted and wormy crap?? Is it the supernatural?   Perhaps a poltergeist plunders a person's pride by plopping his plicate pleura into this posteriorly posthumous pile of poop? HUH? What'd I say? Is it fate? Coincidence? CONSPIRACY?!? So far this is a mystery that only I, Agent Skullduggery, and Agent Mulger (Erkki Toukolehto) have been investigating in what we have come to call "The X-crement Files" We suspect an alien conspiracy, but we have no solid proof. All we have are these films. You be the judge. If you have any close encounters of the Number 2 kind then please send me the film(s) and I will add it to these archives. Maybe someday someone will put all the pieces together before our efforts here are stopped. Answers man... damnit, we need ANSWERS!

You need the World Tour NetPak to view or make these films
Skully thinks Skullduggery is hot

Skullduggery's X-crement Files

Skully thinks Mulger is snot

Agent Mulger's X-crement Files

Skully says this ain't egg on your face
Poo Faced Skelping
Skully says you ain't got the nuts!
Your film here!

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