Whee doggies. I guess I should have known that when I created the
Forge Tips portion of this web site that the Anvil Tips half was
looming on the horizon like some disowned evil twin that seeks revenge
on the sanity of those who neglected it. You too can participate
in this craziness. If you have an Anvil tutorial you would like to
have published on these pages then please feel free to contact
me. For the moment, I especially need something on Physics Models
or even a beginners guide to Anvil that will cover the basics for
the person who has decided that life was not complicated enough and
selected Anvil to muck up their gray cells like an eggbeater in a
pile of dog squeeze. Why am I talking like this? Gorsh, I am just
repeating the gist of what you guys tell me!
For the initiate, Anvil is a Marathon game editing
tool created by Bungie Software Inc released
with Forge when Marathon Infinity hit the market. Used in conjunction
with Forge, you can create an entirely new game of Marathon. Whereas
Forge deals with map creation and the placement of rooms, textures,
sounds, monsters, guns and ammo etc, Anvil deals with the creation
of new never before seen textures, sounds, monsters,
guns and ammo. Anvil masters think that the difficult Anvil skills
are little appreciated compared to the "sexier" Forge skills.
In comparison, Anvil requires an encyclopedia sized knowledge base
compared to the dictionary sized knowledge base required by Forge.
This is why Anvil masters wear reinforced steel and concrete neck braces
and prop their heads up with two by fours. This is also why you hear
that pebble in a can sound when Forge masters shake their heads. |