Gary L. Simmons  rev 03/03/06
Litterbox  Forge Tips  Jason Harper's Tutorials

The Battle Cat's Litterbox

Forge Tips | Harper's Tutorials | Stacked Walkways | Heartbeat | Combination Lock | Clock | Pedestal Problem | Zig Zag Stairs | Illusory Bridges | Fake Elevators | Texture Flexing | Untextured Walls | Stacked Windows | Multi-Message Terms | Counters New| Level Detector

Jason Harper's Tutorials

Jason Harper is the Bungie Contest winner for best use of Forge. His map "Missed Island" is a classic of Forge tweaking. Since then Jason has gone on to produce a number of other example maps featuring new engine twists. Not your typical arm-behind-the-back twisting, Jason has Forge by the crotch of the pants with one hand and around Forge's lips with the other hand and is bashing Forge's head through the ceiling tiles with one amazing tutorial   after another. If you are a serious Forger then you should at least take a look at these. These tutorials are presented here with Jason's blessings and are transcribed from his readme files and tutorial maps. If you would like to contact Jason Harper for any reason including getting grabbed by your own crotch and bashed through the ceiling tiles then you can write to him at this email address. Now, on to the tutorials, no talking, keep your hands inside the car.

Forge Tips | Harper's Tutorials | Stacked Walkways | Heartbeat | Combination Lock | Clock | Pedestal Problem | Zig Zag Stairs | Illusory Bridges | Fake Elevators | Texture Flexing | Untextured Walls | Stacked Windows | Multi-Message Terms | Counters New| Level Detector

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